HRV compact recuperator
Heat recovery gives the posibility to limit heat losses caused by room ventilation. The task of the recuperator is therefore to recover heat from the exhaust air from the room in which it is installed. The HRV-series unit is equipped with an accumulating heat exchanger which retains and stores heat energy to transfer it to the air supplied from the outside. Thanks to this solution, the exchange of fresh air with a temperature close to the temperature prevailing in the room is possible.
Air extraction mode
The HRV recuperator is always switched on in exhaust mode. The air removed from the room after it is switched on transfers heat energy to the aluminium exchanger. After sixty seconds, the fan automatically switches to supply mode.
Air supply mode
The air supplied from outside is heated by the accumulated heat of the exchanger before it enters the room. Due to such action, the loss of heat is unnoticeable.
The fan is switched on and off by means of a switch (not included in the device) being a part of the building’s electrical system.
The devices of HRV series have the ability to switch between two operating speeds. Depending on the equipment options, the speed is changed by means of a remote control (HRV100P, HRV125P) or a pull chain installed in the device (HRV100, HRV125).
The HRV100P and HRV125P models are equipped with remote control. Thanks to it, it is possible to start and switch off the device so as change the speed of operation. When turned off and on again, the device will run in the last set gear.